Oct 30
Calling All Zombies XIII
We’re back for our 13th “Calling All Zombies” Halloween dance! This dance will be held on Saturday, October 30th at Q Ballroom, with live music by the Ghoulsome Jazz Band featuring Justin “Spooky” Meyers and the rest of the graveyard cats.
Note that we will have limited attendance and will require all attendees to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks the entire time they are in the venue (including while dancing!) We recommend testing your mask in advance to ensure that you are able to move and breathe in it without it falling down. In addition to required masking, we will have windows open and fans running throughout.
There will be a lesson from 8:00-9:30pm and dancing from 9:30pm-midnight, including a costume contest at 10:30pm. This lesson will feature special choreography by Maria “The Dancing Brain” Kaklowski, & Natalie “The Grim Leaper” Eringros.
Some tickets will be available at the door tonight:
Day-of General admission: $20
Day-of student/senior admission: $17
Advance ticketing is closed for now. Get there early tonight.