Get into the dance for free!
Want to get into the dance for free and help us ensure that our dances run smoothly? Then give us an hour of your time as a volunteer! Email for more info and to sign up. Please note that you will have to correspond with our volunteer coordinator before the date of the dance to work out your spot on the schedule!
Get into the dance for 1/2 off!
We have spent many long hours brainstorming how to create the kind of atmosphere that we want our swing dances to be, which is to say, the kind of dance that WE would want to go to, and our Angel Crew is one of the entities that emerged from the storm. We realized that one of the toughest parts about getting into a new swing dance scene is just getting up the courage to ask new people to dance! So we created the Angel Crew to help ease that experience.
The BSC Angels are a crew of volunteers who spend at least a half hour at a BSC dance wandering around looking for new faces – including newer dancers, people who just moved to town, or dancers that have been here for a while that they just haven’t met yet – then they ask them to dance! Being an Angel doesn’t have so much to do with dance ability (the minimum requirement is that they are able to keep themselves and their partner safe on the dance floor), instead it’s all about being welcoming and friendly and being able to engage and encourage people who have that unsure look about them. Ultimately it’s really about having FUN!
Another goal of the Angel Crew is to be a resource for new dancers – you should feel free to grab them and ask them about a particular move, dance etiquette, or dance shoes, etc.
Angels will be wearing a light blue or white bandana, so look for one at your next BSC event and ask them to dance!