Aug 15

Swingin’ on the Charles – Saturday Outdoor Dance!

Category: dances

Boston Swing Central and Community Boating are proud to present Swingin’ on the Charles, a night of dancing under the stars on the banks of the Charles River. This is another summer classic you won’t want to miss. We’ll take over the docks at sunset, provide a lesson for newcomers and then we’ll dance until 11 pm. *Note: Rain date is August 16th

Lesson: 7:00pm to 8:30pm (No Partner Necessary)
Dancing: 8:00pm to 11pm

$15 Advance General Admission ($20 day of)
$13 for Students and Seniors ($18 day of)

Proceeds will benefit Community Boating’s Dock Repair and Junior Sailing Programs, and Boston Swing Central’s Lindy Hop Preservation Program.

Community Boating is located on the Esplanade
(between the Hatch Shell and the Longfellow Bridge)
21 David Mugar Way (Charles MGH T-Stop)
Boston, MA 02114

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