Oct 28
Calling All Zombies IV: A Boilermaker Halloween!
Calling All Zombies*! It’s time to heed the bell toll for another ghastly, ghoulish and grim Halloween party at Boston Swing Central. It’s our 4th year and this time we’re making it a Boilermaker Halloween. What does that mean? Well, you guessed it! We’re being invaded by the Boilermaker Jazz Band from Pittsburgh, PA. So, rise up all you creepy crawlies and pay tribute to the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson and dance to the unadulterated swing of one of the hottest swing bands in the country. They’re guaranteed to rattle your bones…and reanimate your zombie hearts…it won’t mean a thing until the zombies start to swing!
The lesson will feature Michael Jackson’s Thriller line dance. And since this line-dance has a lot of material to cover, the lesson starts early and begins promptly at 7:30pm! Be there or be comatose! The Thrilller dance will be performed later on in the evening (performing is, of course, optional – we won’t force ya!) So, start boning up on your YouTube now… Don’t miss this party as it will be one of the best of the Fall!
If you are unfamiliar with the Boilermaker Jazz band you can check out their website here…
If you are unfamiliar with the Thriller line-dance, um, you must’ve been born somewhere else, but you can watch last year’s BSC performance here (sorry the video is a little dark, that’s the way it is and this doesn’t start until about 2:33 into this clip):
Extended Lesson Time (included in the price of admission): 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Dancing: 9:00pm – 12:30am
General Admission: $22
Students and Seniors (with Valid ID): $17
Get $2 OFF ADMISSION if you come in costume. But no lame costumes like, “I came as a swing dancer”, or “I came as myself” or putting a couple socks on your shoulder and being “static cling”. Discount is at the discretion of the door staff, so put in some effort!
Please note that we will be accepting passes at the rate of: 1/2 off for one pass, full admission for two passes. And no coupons will be accepted for this evening.
The Crosby Whistle Stop
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA 02129