Jun 24
Tread on Trafficking
Sorry for the last minute rescheduling of this theme, but we had a special request from one of our House Managers (Wayne) to support a worthy cause. So tonight, BSC is donating a portion of tonight’s admission to: Love146. This will not cost you anything extra, same dance price for a night of excellent DJing. Speaking of which, tonight we have DJs Cara Ball & Tina Desorcy back to spin for us.
And we will also have a bunch of new dancers showing up to participate in this fundraiser, so come on out and welcome them and help them raise awareness and funds to fight child sex slavery, which is a growing problem around the world.
Love146 was started in 2002 with the purpose of preventing child sex slavery and rescuing and providing survivors of child sex slavery with quality aftercare. It has programs and aftercare houses in the US, Europe and Asia. More info can be found on www.love146.org.
Tread on Trafficking was originated by the Love146 Boston Task Force. ToT is a virtual event that happens across the globe beginning May 1st, 2011. Those who “tread on trafficking” put their foot down to raise awareness about child sex slavery and funds to care for survivors and those vulnerable to exploitation. Treaders ask sponsors to support them for the number of miles or hours they spend running, swimming, biking or working out in some form over the eight week period of May and June. All proceeds benefit Love146.
Lesson (included in the price of admission): 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Dancing: 9:00pm – 12:30am
General Admission: $10
Students and Seniors (with Valid ID): $8
The Crosby Whistle Stop
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA 02129