Nov 12
Tweedlee Deedlee Dee, How Tweed It Is!
It’s a tweed tweed tweed world and we at Boston Swing Central just
live in it. Not really, but, it’s time to get dressed up again and
this time it’s tweed that we’re celebrating. Why tweed you ask and
not gabardine or suede? Well, tweed is for distinguished ladies and
gents. And it reminds us of a time when we were dancing in the
parlour. We were also inspired by several discerning dancers who went on the Tweed Ride
As incentive, we’re offering a $1 discount to those who bust
out their best Harris, Donegal or herringbone outfits. And if you come
adorned in a tweed headcoat not only will our jaws drop to the floor, we might
have to jam you dear chap. Pip pip and cheerio…
Lesson (included in the price of admission): 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Dancing: 9:00pm – 12:00am
General Admission: $10 ($9 donning the tweed)
Students and Seniors (with Valid ID): $8 ($7 clad in tweed)
The Crosby Whistle Stop
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA 02129