Aug 31

Tuesday Guided Practice, Auditions, and Open Practice

Category: dances

Since we have an extra Tuesday in September, we’re doing combination guided practicas and auditions for our fast theme from 7-9pm at Whistle Stop!

For $5, you’ll get some one-on-one time with a New School Swing instructor who will give you feedback about your dancing and tips about what you should work on next. The rest of the time will be open dance practice.

If you’re interested, auditions for any/all of our fast theme classes and performance this fall will be taking place at the guided practicas.   If you’re not interested in auditioning, just come, dance, and get some one-on-one feedback!

NOTE: If you would like to do the classes or performance in October or November, you must attend these auditions! We don’t want to hold auditions every month, so we’re doing them all in one shot. (Fundamentals of Balboa is the only Wednesday class that does not require auditions.)

For more information about the awesome classes and performance we have planned, see our website at or email with any questions!

Tuesday, August 31st, Practica/Auditions 7-9pm , Open Practice Session 9pm-10:30pm
Cost: $5 for either Tuesday OR Wednesday
Place: The Crosby Whistle Stop where else?


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