Jun 26
Summer Swing
It’s been a wet week and half, and with the wet weather, we’re a little sad to tell you that this is our final week at St. Mary’s Church. So come on out and dance one last time at this great little venue. This week we have Retro Mike and Jay Provost spinning and hopefully summoning some Summer Sun…
We are taking a couple of weeks off from our regular Friday night dance in July to do some special Summer dances (again assuming it gets here) and to look for a new venue. So even though we won’t be at St. Mary’s, don’t forget we’ll still be out there bringing you some great dances over the next couple weeks! Including these you’ll want to put on your calendar:
– Co-hosting the Beantown Saturday night dance with the Boilermakers this Saturday, June 27th at Endicott College
– Our first Copley dance on Sunday July 12th (the June date was rained out)
– A special one off Dance on Friday, July 17th (details and location TBD)
– The Boathouse dance on Saturday, August 1st
So watch your inbox, check out or website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information, we have some exciting things coming!
Your friends at Boston Swing Central.
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