May 22


Category: dances
Springology!  Spring has finally sprung!  And boy are we happy!  We’re so happy to have some great DJs in store for you, our own Tim Lewandowski and Jason Provost are joined by guest, Joe Perrone.  And as you can tell from the temporary renaming of this night, we’ve decided to start anew with a fresh outlook on our Swingology night…
Yes, you might not have thought about it but the secret of Swingology is diversity.  There are a great many DJs in Boston and no two of them are the same and that’s a great thing (think of them like snowflakes), that means exposure to all different interpretations of what swings and represents the wide spectrum of tastes in our community.  And I guess that about says it all.  Can we appreciate the diversity within our community and different approaches to DJing?  Does that mean Swingology is avant garde and experimental?  Heck no.  It just means that we’re trying to allow the many different voices in a community a forum with which to share their, ahem, spin on what swings.

Lesson 8:00-9:00pm / Dancing 9:00pm-12am
$10 / $8 for students (with valid ID) and seniors

Boston Swing Central

St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

8 Inman Street, Central Square, Cambridge

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