Apr 23
Spring Fling
Continuing our non-committal tenure with venues, we’ll be in the medium studio space at Springstep this Friday. So while we’ll be moving, we won’t be going very far. And watch out for our space update coming later this week for news on our venue. We can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s a real catch and something to settle down with!
This Friday, we’ll be celebrating spring and all that it brings with our own Tim Lewandowski and guest D Joe Perrone. Luckily, Joe’s already done his spring cleaning and found his CD decks. And Tim, well, thankfully he has a computer. No time for cleaning with the school year wrapping up. It promises to be a fun night! Hope to see you there!
Boston Swing Central at Springstep
98 George P Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155-3202
Lesson: 8pm-9pm (included with admission)
Dancing: 9pm to 12pm
Admission: $10 (general), $8 (students and seniors with valid ID)