May 25

Frankie Manning 98th Birthday Celebration Weekend

Category: dances

This Memorial Day weekend marks what would have been the 98th Birthday of Frankie Manning. Frankie Manning was a founding father of the Lindy Hop and spent the last 20 years of his life inspiring and teaching the Lindy Hop to an entire new generation of swing dancers. This includes a great many dancers who are currently dancing. As we get farther and farther away from his life, it becomes all that more important that we keep his memory alive by spreading the joy of the dance.

Boston Swing Central, Blues Cafe and Hop the the Beat have joined together to pay tribute to Frankie with 2 dances featuring Shim Sham lessons. The Shim Sham was Frankie’s favorite line dance to lead, it has become the defacto, “National Anthem” of Lindy Hoppers the world over. During his birthday celebrations in years past, there were many scenes which sent Frankie videos of themselves doing the Shim Sham in beautiful and iconic places all over the world, Frankie would also lead the dance when it was performed live during these celebrations. Anyhow, if you’ve seen it done at a local dance and wanted to learn how….now is your chance! Take both lessons and keep practicing. We’ll also perform it at both dances.

Friday Night kicks off at Boston Swing Central. Hop to the Beat‘s Tony & Aurelie, who probably knew Frankie the longest and the best of anyone in Boston will be teaching the Shim Sham at the Crosby Whistle Stop. Later on in the evening, we’ll all perform it with Tony & Aurelie leading us with a “push and you push and you…” followed by a chorus of “crossover!” Then special guest DJ Gina Helfrinch will be spinning Frankie’s favorites into the night!

Frankie leads the Shim Sham:

Saturday Night at Blues Cafe, Boston Swing Central’s Abby Cohen will be teaching the Shim Sham. This will be followed up by a special Boston appearance of the Boilermaker Jazz Band. The Boilermakers, as we often call them, hail from Pittsburgh, and because it’s a third of the way across the country, they perform here very infrequently. This is not to be missed! Also includes special balboa performance by Team Balboa of MA and RI!

Find out more about Frankie Manning.

And Gina Helfrich will be our special guest DJ this Friday evening. You can purchase tickets for both nights at a discount at the door!

Friday Night:
Lesson (included in the price of admission): 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Dancing: 9:00pm – 12:30am
General Admission: $10
Students and Seniors (with Valid ID): $8

The Crosby Whistle Stop
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA 02129

Saturday Night:
Dancing 8:00pm-9:00pm
Open Dancing 9:00pm-12:30am
General Admission: $18
Students & Seniors (w/ valid ID): $15

98 George P. Hassett Dr
Medford, MA

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